William Patrick “Pat” Dew was born on March 6, 1892, in Wood Lake, Nebraska. As a small boy, he helped his father feed cattle on their farm in Nebraska with a team. Pat Dew came to Wyoming in 1908 and worked for different ranches along the Nebraska border. In 1913 when Pat was 21, he moved with his family to Pinedale by covered wagon. Pat went to work for Alex Price, a neighbor to the south, cowboying for him, eventually becoming foreman of the Bootjack ranch. He worked for other ranchers, rode the Greed River Drift and spent most of his time on the round up, on the range. On November 22, 1916, Pat married Roxie Delia Walker in Jackson. They lived on the Upper Gros Ventre and then went to the Upper Green River area to the Kendall Ranger Station. In the spring of 1918, Pat and Roxie took up a homestead on Rock Creek about four miles below the Kendall Ranger Station. In 1926, the family moved to the Black Butte Ranch and he later Pat became a partner in the ranch.
William Patrick Dew