Wayne and Biddy Bonham of Federal are the epidemy of a truly devoted Wyoming ranch couple. Their bond was inseparable and their work ethic unmatched. Wayne was born in Sterling, Colorado on the family ranch. Always a cowboy, he worked with his family until he went to work for Mavis Peavy where he met his future wife. Francis (Biddy) Peavy was born in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Her family had a cattle ranch there and they were Foundation members of the American Quarter Horse Association. After her father’s death, Biddy at age 14, her mother, and her sister continued ranching in the area until 1944. They later moved to Logan County and she met Wayne. After their marriage, Wayne and Biddy moved to Federal purchasing the King Merritt ranch. Besides their hard work establishing their Wyoming cattle ranching roots, the couple continued the breeding of Foundation Quarter Horses. Always horseback, Wayne and Biddy raised four children. Wayne was as knowledgeable as most veterinarians and Biddy frequently took young ranch wives under her wing with advice on everything from cooking and doctoring to calves to kids.
Wayne & Francis Peavy “Biddy” Bonham