Teddy, or simply “Ted,” grew up on the family ranch just north of Lost Springs — the family ranch that Ted would never leave, and later named Rocky Top Ranch, after the ranch’s most notable landmark. His childhood was spent mostly attending school and helping out with all the chores that come along with ranching; Ted was no stranger to hard work. A horseman in every sense of the word, Ted utilized his skills as often as he could. If it was roping and doctoring sick calves in the pasture, or hauling to town for a team roping, Ted enjoyed it all. It was around the age of ten that Ted got himself into the cattle business, when he bought two Hereford heifer calves from a neighbor. It was these two calves which started his very own herd of cattle; running them with the family herd on Rocky Top Ranch. He later purchased the ranch from his parents. Branding season was something that Ted lived for. There wasn’t a job he couldn’t do. He mostly enjoyed attending all the neighboring brandings, as these were his most enjoyed “social events.”
Teddy Pennington