Samuel Reed Hampton, called Sam or Sammy, was born in Washakie County. He has lived his entire life in the sheep and cattle business on the family ranch. From age six, Sammy was riding his pinto pony Bugs bareback across the Big Horn Basin badlands all the way to the summer rangelands on top the Big Horn Mountains. There his father ran several bands of sheep, tended to by four hired sheepherders’ camps. Along the way he would visit the other sheepherders of local sheepmen “riding the grub line” as he would say. His colorful stories of those days among the myriad local and foreign sheepherders were always a source of entertainment for anyone listening to Sam’s vast experience riding the range. Sam learned to be a teamster at a young age as his father, Carl pulled sheep camps with a four-up team. During the 1990 Wyoming Centennial celebration, Sam joined many other enthusiasts in reviving the wagon train mystique across the country. He served as Wagon Master several times from 1990 to 2009 for the New Pioneer Wagon Train group on their eight-day trail trips every August. At age 74 he retired from wagon mastering but continued to drive smaller teams and buggies with friends until he was 81. The 1990 Wyoming Centennial events also started the local Pony Express from the Hyattville Post Office to the Ten Sleep Post Office a total of 18 miles. Sam has carried the mail via Pony Express many years with family members and local riders. The Hampton family celebrated 100 years in Washakie County in 2011 and Sam was honored as the Ten Sleep parade grand marshal in 2021.
Samuel Reed Hampton