Russell Eugene “Bud” Hoffner grew up working the feedlot where his family lived in Ault, Colorado. Pasture was leased east of Ault for stocker cattle to graze. Bud would ride horses to check and doctor the cattle and to move them to corrals for shipping. When he was four years old his dad had a one-horse buggy made for him. He was told only to walk and trot the horse, but just as soon as he got out of his dad’s eyesight, he would encourage the horse to run. And run they did! A couple of times the cart overturned and repairs were in order. In 1944, Bud and his brother bought some steers to feed and show at the National Western Stock show in Denver. They placed 3rd in the carlot division. He served in the United States Air Force and was deployed to Fukuoka, Japan, to instruct heavy equipment operators, before finishing his enlistment in Cheyenne. In 1965, Bud became manager of the Monolith Ranch near Laramie. This Albany County ranch ran 500-600 head of mother cows. Feeder cattle were also brought in for summer grazing. The Monolith Ranch was bought by the City of Laramie in 1981 and in 1982 he moved the cattle to the Miller Ranch west of town.
Russell Eugene Hoffner