Robert John “Bob” Johnson was the oldest of four boys of Robert and Victoria Johnson. He spent his youth growing up and working on the family-owned A Bar One Ranch in the Pass Creek Basin near Elk Mountain. When he was a freshman, he was enrolled in school at Elk Mountain which was about 14 ½ miles away. By himself, he rode horseback Monday mornings to go to school, stay at his aunt’s during the week and ride home bringing the mail with him on Friday afternoon, delivering the mail to all the neighbors along the way. After high school in Saratoga, he worked on the home ranch before being drafted into the Army, serving for two years. He then went to Montana to help take care of the family’s cowherd when extreme drought conditions forced them to find feed for them away from home. Bob married Peg Richardson in 1957 and in the mid-1960s they moved back to Elk Mountain. Around 1973 he bought the A Bar One Ranch, and land that included was his mothers’ family ranch, Schoen Ranch. In 1987, the A Bar One Ranch split up and Bob bought the Schoen Ranch and started doing business as Johnson Ranch Co. raising hay and cattle.
Robert John Johnson