Bob DeVeny was born on Pine Ridge, near Ft. Laramie, WY in 1927. He grew up in Arkansas and served in the Army in WWII.
Sixty-eight years ago Bob married Betty Lou (Wolfe) in 1948. They moved to Wyoming in 1952.
Bob worked on ranches for Harold Helbaum and Jim Brown in Chugwater, Wyoming, winning the “Top Hand” award while working for Jim Brown. He also worked at the Association Ranch in Rock River, Wyoming.
In 1968 he moved to Jackson/Wilson and worked for Snake River Ranch from 1968-1970 and worked for 4 Lazy F Ranch from 1970-1983. He was the range cowboy on Willow Creek and owned his own cow herd of about 30 pairs.
Bob trained many horses during the years of 1983 to 2004. He is proficient in all “cowboy” ranch skills. Ride, rope, calve, brand, doctor, range management, pack salt, backride, feed hay with a team, train horses, train cow dogs, irrigate, hay, fence, operate all hay machinery.
He also writes songs, plays guitar and sings and has entertained many Jackson summer guests at cook-outs at River Meadows and Broken Arrow.