Ramul Dvarishkis was born February 7, 1910, in Scranton, North Dakota. At age seven he and his family moved to Wyoming to start sheep ranching with his uncle Nick Wishwell. In his early teens and into his 20s Ramul supplied the sheep camps with whatever they required. In the summertime this meant taking a pack string into Dubois for supplies when the sheep were on their mountain ranges. In 1933, Ramul bought his first Morgan stallion from the Army Remount Station in Miles City, Montana and began his almost 70-year career of horse breeding. That same year he married Jessie Moore. He and Jessie bought half of the ranch that his mother and stepdad had put together and switched from sheep to raising Hereford cattle, the Morgan horses that he had started raising earlier, and a family. The ranch was spread out for 35 miles on the Cottonwood Creek drainage and covered almost 30,000 acres. His horses, in his eyes, better be able to go from one end to the other and then go to work. Not just his horses but all horses were his passion. His horses became well known across the US and Canada and many of his breeding lines are still prominent today.
Ramul Dvarishkis