Larry Cundall, born in Platte County July 31, 1949, was the fourth-generation manager of the Cundall ranch east of Glendo. Larry grew up on horseback, helping his grandfather, Don Sommers, trail cattle from his ranch south of Glendo to cow camp on the Laramie Plains, a three-day trail drive. Larry attended Eastern Wyoming College and the University of Wyoming, then served in Vietnam with the US Army as an agricultural advisor where he received the Bronze Star. Larry returned to the family ranch after his service and worked there until the ranch sold in 2021. He used a program of rotational grazing and constant improvements to the ranch to keep the grass healthy for his cattle. This involved being in the saddle almost daily, checking water and range conditions and moving cattle. Larry is a founding member of the Glendo Rodeo Club and served as Commander of the American Legion Post in Glendo.
Larry Cundall