James Michael Taylor, better known as “Mike,” was born August 2, 1939, in Driggs, Idaho to Ernest Glen and Mary Isabel Taylor. He went to school in Teton Valley Idaho and graduated from Teton Valley High in 1957. Mike left his parents’ ranch in Driggs, Idaho and came to Jackson Hole in the spring immediately after graduation to follow his love of rodeo where he soon met his wife, Glenda Sue Thompson and started a family. Mike worked for many individuals and ranches in Teton County. Mike found his passion at Fish Creek Ranch where he became ranch supervisor at the age of 24. Not long after calling Fish Creek Ranch his home, he leased the 499-acre property back from Gil Ordway to begin his dream of raising Black Angus cattle. Mike gained recognition as the iconic cowboy and he was often the subject of artists and onlookers who were hoping to catch a glimpse of the traditional cowboy at work. His pictures showed up in many magazines and newspaper articles. In November 2008 Mike retired from Fish Creek Ranch.
James Michael “Mike” Taylor