Jim Wilson was born in Platte County in 1932 and has ranched near Glendo his entire life. He attended the University of Wyoming, earning degrees in Agriculture Education and Animal Science while also competing on the UW rodeo team. From the time he was able to mount a horse on his own, he was helping with many of the ranch chores not only on his family’s ranch but also many other ranches. He helped all the neighbors with their cattle work and brandings. For many years his main job at brandings was dragging calves to the fire. When he quit heading calves and started heeling them in the late 40s his uncle George “Boy” Mitchell taught him how to heel and that became his job for many years. Jim was his own farrier, and always did all the repairs on all the saddles and bridles. He bought all the horses for the ranch and traveled many miles and to many states in finding the good hard working ranch horses that were needed for the family operation. He taught vo-ag in Cheyenne and Glendo, while still operating the ranch, and also operated the Stockman’s Feed and Supply.
James “Jim” Wilson