Jim Zimmerschied was the eldest of two sons born to Wilber and Edna Zimmerschied, a pioneering family in Crook County. The family was known for their raunchy horses and this is where Jim learned to cowboy. After Jim graduated from Moorcroft High School, he worked for Kendrick Cattle Company at the OW, E-U, Hanging Woman, and the LX Bar ranches from 1959 to 1967. He also cowboyed for the Kane Bros, Padlock, and Wilcutt ranches. He was a hand with a team of horses, whether it was driving a wagon or a sled feeding livestock in the winter or driving a hay rake in the summer. When it came time to raise his family, Jim moved to Gillette and went to work for the Wyoming Stockgrowers Association. In 1969, they moved to Kaycee where Jim became a brand inspector for the State of Wyoming and in 1972, Jim went to work for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department. He also co- owned Powder River Supply. Jim helped build the Kaycee arena for the first annual Deke Latham Memorial Rodeo. After retiring from the sheriff’s department, Jim bought a ranch on Bitter Creek.
James F. Zimmerschied