Clyde came to Wyoming with a family friend after his parents both died in 1904 from a flu epidemic. After arriving in Wyoming, Clyde helped the Davis family establish their homestead and day worked for neighboring ranches until he landed a job with the Bill Yates family on Bear Creek in Goshen County. One of his early morning duties was to wrangle horses for neighboring ranches. The country was all open range so he would have to ride 15 to 20 miles each morning just to gather horses. He worked for Yates’ for about five years until he enlisted during WWI. He enlisted in the Army on May 25, 1918. He joined the 364th Infantry. His job was to deliver supplies to the troops. He hauled ammunition and supplies with his team and wagon. After WWI he returned to the Yates Ranch where he married and had three girls. When his fourth daughter was born, both his daughter and wife died at the time of the birth, in 1928. That year he went to work for the Griffin Brothers Ranch on the Fox Creek Ranch where he was the ranch foreman. He worked for the Griffin Ranch until his retirement at age 83 Everything he did revolved around horses. He broke many horses to ride and to drive.
Clyde Omar Stewart