A measure of Butch Reynolds is the fact that his high school class nominated him to the Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame at a recent reunion. Butch follows in his dad’s footsteps, not only in the WCHF, but also in ranching and cowboying. He was only seven when he and his brother Jess began a job starting ponies for Bob Hayden. Soon they were breaking colts for numerous people. Summers were spent horseback mostly all day. Winter would find them in a homemade box on a sled behind a team going to school. Butch honed his skills working on a variety of ranches, putting up hay with a team, branding, building fence, and working on a sheep shearing crew. Butch graduated from Moorcroft High School in 1964. He left his dad’s place in that September with his two horses, a bedroll, and traveled to Campbell County where he started working for Bob Hayden. In 1969, Butch started working for Keelines in Campbell and Weston counties. He later worked for other ranches and in the fall of 1978 Butch started as ranch manager for the Jacobs Land and Livestock, south of Gillette. He stayed there for 39 years. In 2013, Butch and wife Sherry accomplished a life-long dream of owning their own ranch.
Butch Reynolds