About the Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame

The purposes of the Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame are exclusively historical, cultural, literary and educational. WCHF’s chief goal is: “To preserve, promote, perpetuate, publish and document Wyoming’s working cowboy and ranching history through researching, profiling and honoring individuals who broke the first trails and introduced that culture to this state. WCHF plans to collect, display and preserve the stories, and photos of such individuals and anything else that will honor and highlight their contributions to our history.”
The Board of Directors
The Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame began as an idea among friends, Scott Ratliff, Jim and Paulette Moss, and Pinky Walter, in 2012, and the official 501(c)(3) and board was formed the next year. In 2014, the first official Induction Ceremony was held at the Fort Reno Building, at the Wyoming State Fairgrounds. In 2015, the Induction Ceremonies were moved to the Casper Events Center to handle the large amount of guests and to provide a central location for the Induction Ceremonies.
Wyoming is divided up into 10 geographic regions to localize inductee selections. Each region is made up of a member on the WCHF board, and a local committee to assist the board in selecting the honorees.
Nominations are taken from Oct 15 through Feb 15, inductee selections are made in May and the official Induction Ceremony is held in September.

WCHF Regions

Valerie Remick
Chairman, Region 7

Wade Lupher
Vice Chairman, Region 9

Mary Lou Perkins
Secretary/Treasurer, Region 6

Candy Moulton
Executive Director

Larry Gomez
Region 4

Amy Smith
Region 3

Rod Rivers
Region 8

Andy Nelson
Region 10

Tiffany Schwenke
Region 1